Gitarové fórum A.D. 9.1.2004

gitary => gitary => Téma založená: mesiah 14. Október , 2009, 20:03:43

Názov: Serial Number Squier
Prispievateľ: mesiah 14. Október , 2009, 20:03:43
Trošku som pátral na nete a našiel som označovanie+sériové čísla pre Squier-y. Len tak pre zaujímavosť  :whistle:

Mexican Squiers

MN: M = Mexico, N = Nineties (1990s), the first number following the serial number prefix is the year.

For example

* "MN8" indicates that it was made at Ensenada, Mexico in 1998.
USA Squiers

USA Squiers are very rare. Some of them have a serial number with a E = Eighties (1980s) prefix, and some of them have a serial number with a N = Nineties (1990s) prefix.

USA Squiers were made for less than a year spanning 1989 and 1990 before production of Squiers went back to Mexico. This was a period when Made in Japan Squiers had stopped and then they moved Squiers to Mexico, but there was a fire in the Mexican factory which disrupted things for a few months in which Fender USA made the Squiers.

Korean Squiers

CN/VN: C = Cor-Tek (Cort), V = Saehan(Sunghan), S was already taken by Samick so Saehan(Sunghan) used V instead (Saehan(Sunghan) made the Vester guitars), N = Nineties (1990s), the first number following the serial number prefix is the year.

For example

* "CN5" = made by Cor-Tek (Cort) in 1995.
* "VN5" = made by Saehan(Sunghan) in 1995.

KC/KV: KC (Korean Cor-Tek (Cort)) and KV (Korean Saehan(Sunghan)), the serial number prefix is followed by a 2 number year.

For example

* "KC97" = made by Cor-Tek (Cort) in 1997.
* "KV97" = made by Saehan(Sunghan) in 1997.

KC and KV serial number prefixes are usually used on Crafted in Korea Squiers.

S/E: The S and E serial number prefix Korean Squiers are from the late 1980s/early 1990s. S = Samick, E = Young Chang, E letter serial numbers were used on Young Chang's Fenix brand guitars [1]. The first number following the serial number prefix is the year.

For example

* "S9" = made by Samick in 1989.
* "E0" = made by Sung-Eum in 1990.
* "E1" = made by Sung-Eum in 1991.

There were also Korean Squier serials with no serial number prefix and 6 or 7 numbers and the first number is the year.

Chinese Squiers

YN: Y = Yako (Taiwan), N = Nineties (1990s), the first number following the serial number prefix is the year.

For example

* "YN5" = made by Yako in 1995.

CY: C = China, Y = Yako (Taiwan), the serial number prefix is followed by a 2 number year.

For example

* "CY97" = made by Yako in 1997.

CY serials are usually used on Crafted in China Squiers. Some Chinese made Gretsch guitars also have a CY serial number.

Miscellaneous Chinese serials: CD, CT, CJ, NC: C = China, the first number following the serial number prefix is the year. Probably made by Yako (Taiwan).

Some Squiers that are sold only in the Chinese and Asian markets are made by Axl in China.

Indonesian Squiers

IC: I = Indonesia, C = Cor-Tek (Cort), the serial number prefix is followed by a 2 number year.

IS: I = Indonesia, S = Samick, the serial number prefix is followed by a 2 number year.

Indian Squiers

Some Squier IIs were made in India around 1989-1990, as well as some more recent Squiers.

Názov: Re: Serial Number Squier
Prispievateľ: rastis 15. Október , 2009, 13:02:17
v zivote som nevidel a ani nepocul o mexickych Squieroch. videl som akurat mexicke gitary s velkym logom Fender a pod nim malickym Squier... a tie USA uz vobec ani nahodou...

co to je za stranku, tieto info ?

Názov: Re: Serial Number Squier
Prispievateľ: udry 15. Október , 2009, 14:36:26
v zivote som nevidel a ani nepocul o mexickych Squieroch. videl som akurat mexicke gitary s velkym logom Fender a pod nim malickym Squier... a tie USA uz vobec ani nahodou...


Názov: Re: Serial Number Squier
Prispievateľ: rastis 15. Október , 2009, 15:56:22
covjece :)

Názov: Re: Serial Number Squier
Prispievateľ: cubo 15. Október , 2009, 16:30:54
zaujimave... ktovie ako tie usa sqvajere hraju  :drink:

Názov: Re: Serial Number Squier
Prispievateľ: duro 15. Október , 2009, 16:32:20
raz som hral na takéjto gitare      no hralo to  fakt slušne

Názov: Re: Serial Number Squier
Prispievateľ: udry 15. Október , 2009, 16:39:23
a toto je asi tá,čo spominal rastis

Názov: Re: Serial Number Squier
Prispievateľ: mr. redwine 15. Október , 2009, 16:48:16
...neviem nakolko je ten "zoznam" vierohody, kamarat ma Squiera z prvej polovice 80tych rokov, je nanom napis mede in korea a seriove cislo M2121802

Názov: Re: Serial Number Squier
Prispievateľ: mesiah 15. Október , 2009, 17:41:20
No neviem, mne to sedí, mám Squier Korea z 89 a číslo mi začína S 9 ..... Ja som to sem hodil len pre zaujímavosť, inak celé fórum je : - ideálne je sa zaregistrovať.

Názov: Re: Serial Number Squier
Prispievateľ: mr. redwine 15. Október , 2009, 20:32:13
...aha, tak to moze byt v poriadku, ale v prvom prispevku si nenapisal ze sa jedna o straty, myslel som si ze sa to tyka Squierov vseobecne, to co som ja hladal je tele.

Názov: Re: Serial Number Squier
Prispievateľ: mesiah 18. Október , 2009, 21:33:10
Inak našiel som aj Japonca a ten v označeniach chýba.



Názov: Re: Serial Number Squier
Prispievateľ: rastis 18. Október , 2009, 21:53:40
japonske su predsa uplna klasika - to boli prve skvejre, dodnes su povazovane...

Gitarové fórum A.D. 9.1.2004 | Poháňané SMF 1.1.11.
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