jak to moze byt tak ohrate, ak to malo byt pouzivane len vc ramci jedneho turne ?
A kto pise ze to bolo pouzite len na jednom turne?
Ved tam je priamo napisane ze ta gitara bola pouzita na viacerych turne ako Whitesnake tak aj Dave Lee Rotha:
This guitar was used on a nightly basis during the tour, and Steve has played this guitar in front of hundreds of thousands of people all over the world. This is the same guitar used by Steve in the "MTV Rock'n' Jock" performance of the national anthem, which can be seen here:
The guitar still has the original strings on it from the last show of the Whitesnake tour, and has been lovingly cared for by Steve's tech for both the David Roth and Whitesnake tours, Stan Schiller.
The pickups were changed from green to custom wound yellow DiMarzio Blaze pickups during the tour as Steve hasn't happy with how the old pickups were sounding. We may be able to dig up the original green pickups for whoever buys this guitar.
As this was a touring guitar, the guitar features a lot of wear on the edges and corners, and features belt buckle rash right down to the bare wood on the back from tons of live shows, and Steve's elaborate belt buckles (hey, it was 1990).